A1: Yes, GRADE A + quality. the QR code is intact, Brand new. such as CATL,EVE, BYD.

A2: We have product manuals and installation guidance videos, and we can also help you contact your local installation service provider. Please let me know your address.

A3: We will test all the battery Voltage and Internal resistance before shipping.

A4: Pack with strong package, each cell into thickness PE foam or bag, then into 5 layers strong carton.

A5: Usually we accept alibaba trade assurance order online. For the RTS(ready for ship) product if there is clear shipping cost or free shipping to your country you can place order and pay directly after reading for all the details,or you can provide your
shipping informtion to our sales they will creat online order for you.

A6: You can chat our sales online or send inquiry email,we will respond you ASAP.

A7: you can chat our sales online or send inquiry.We will immediately respond to your request. We have two product catalogs with two themes: household solar systems and outdoor energy storage systems. Please note the required product catalogs with us

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